88x31 Blinkies Gifs Sticker designs Other stickers

My 88x31 buttons

88x31 button with Hello Kitty in black and red, showing a peace sign. It says Anarkitty next to her.

My blinkies

Blinkie that alternately says anarcho-communist and anarcha-feminist.
Blinkie that says Mother anarchy loves her kittens.
Blinkie that alternately says love blinkies und hate cops.

My gifs

Pink glittering ACAB lettering.

My sticker designs

Police dog Chase from Paw Patrol. Around him it says All Cops are Klassenverräter:innen, meaning all cops are class traitors. It says ALAB and All landlords are bastards underneath.
A sticker designed to look similar to the ads of the Bundeswehr, the german army. On top, it says 'Wir. Hassen. Deutschland.', meaning 'We.Hate.Germany.' The text in the middle reads 'Du kannst für das Interesse der Menschen kämpfen. Oder für das des Staates.', meaning 'You can fight for the interests of the people. Or for the ones of the state.' At the bottom, the logo of the Bundeswehr is displayed, split in half. Draculaura from Monster High. Above her the text reads Trans Liberation Now.
The trans symbol with an integrated circle a. The background is split diagonally between the trans flag and a black background. An edited image of the german communist rapper Vizzion who now has an anarchocommunist flag in the background an a circle a on his black bandana. He also now holds a book in his hands that says Goldman.
A sticker with one green and one red side. At the top a text reads 'Keine Verwechslungsgefahr:'. In the middle left there is a bull under which a text reads 'Bullen werden aufgrund ihrer Spezies und den Profitinteressen Weniger ausgebeutet und getötet. Ihre vermeintliche Aggressivität wird als Rechtfertigung für ihre Folter beim “Stierkampf” genutzt.' In the middle right is a police officer under which a text reads 'Die Polizei nutzt angedrohte, psychische und körperliche Gewalt im Auftrag von Staat und Kapitalismus. Damit hält sie Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung aufrecht.' A sticker with one green and one red side. At the top a text reads 'Keine Verwechslungsgefahr:'. In the middle left there is a pig under which a text reads 'Schweine werden aufgrund ihrer Spezies und den Profitinteressen Weniger ausgebeutet und getötet. Sie können Konflikte friedlich lösen, indem andere Schweine den Streit schlichten.' In the middle right is a police officer under which a text reads 'Die Polizei nutzt angedrohte, psychische und körperliche Gewalt im Auftrag von Staat und Kapitalismus. Damit hält sie Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung aufrecht.'
On the top left a text reads 'Stand: 02 | 2025', on the right a text reads ''§ 22 (6) | SGB'. The title is 'Rights at the Jobcenter'. A text in the middle reads 'We can apply for the payment of moving expenses at the Jobcenter even when we decide to move on our own accord. But only if the Jobcenter 
                        allows it beforehand.'. On the top left a text reads 'Stand: 02 | 2025', on the right a text reads ''B 14 AS 2/19 R'. The title is  'Rights at the Jobcenter'. A text in the middle reads 'The Jobcenter has to pay for double rents if they are unavoidable and adequate.'.
On the top left a text reads 'Stand: 02 | 2025', on the right a text reads ''§ 24 (3) | SGB II II'. The title is 'Rights at the Jobcenter'. A text in the middle reads 'We can apply for one-time benefits at the Jobcenter, for example for the initial furnishings of our apartment or benefits in case of pregnancy.'. On the top left a text reads 'Stand: 02 | 2025', on the right a text reads '' §42 | SGB I'. The title is 'Rights at the Jobcenter'. A text in the middle reads 'If we are in financial trouble before the Jobcenter approves of our Bürgergeld, we can apply for an advance payment (”Vorschusszahlung”)'.
On the top left a text reads 'As of: 02 | 2025', on the right a text reads '§13 (4) | SGB X'. The title is 'Rights at the Jobcenter'. A text in the middle reads 'We can always take another person with us to the Jobcenter. This person is allowed to take notes.'.
Zwei Erwachsene, die zwei Kinder mit einem Regenschirm vor der Deutschland-Flagge schützen.
Ein Runder Sticker mit einem roten Marder, der ein Kabel durchbeißt. Oben steht Anti-Panzer-Aktion, darunter Beißt ihnen die Kabel durch! Ein Runder Sticker mit Hello Kitty mit einem Teddybären auf dem Kopf. Oben steht Animal Liberation, darunter Human Liberation.

Stickers from the archive

Colorful sticker with police officers in the background. In the foreground are four dice, showing the numbers 1, 3, 1 and 2. A collection of Sanrio characters. Above them, a text reads 'ACAB', below 'All my homies hate cops'. Cat Snowball from the Simpsons, scratching the police offer. Circle a made from fungi. Cat with a bomb and a circle a in their claws. Above them, a text reads 'No war... but class war'. Two intertwined fists, one red and one black. A hare drawing IDF on a bomb. Above them, a text reads 'Fuck the IDF', below 'Imperialist Death Factory!'. The Powerpuff Girls, flying away from a burning police car while grinning. Above them, a text reads in a font similar to their logo 'Fuck the Police'. Hello Kitty witha  rifle. Under her it says ACAB. A circle a with animals doing different activities in the space between the letter and circle. Two people climbing a mountain together, one helping the other up. There is a circle a in the background. In the middle is a hand with a knuckle tattoo reading 'BO$$'. It is pressed together and holds dollar notes from which blood drops down. Around the picture a text reads 'Profits' are stolen wages.
An 'Anarchy' lettering made up of cats. Two bigs cats that are about to destroy a prison walls with their paws. It says 'Destroy All Prisons'. The lettering 'Fire to the Prisons', surrounded by walls. Hello Kitty and My Melody, hooded and partying next to a turned over, burning police car. Another Hello Kitty in the foreground wears a shirt that says 'ACAB'. A snail with the text 'Housing first!' on its shell. A silhouette planting a seedling. There is a circle a in the background.
A black lucky cat with a destroyed police car in paws. Above it says 'ACAB', below 'All Cats Are Beautiful'. The silhouette of a cat with a speech bubble coming from it. In it a matchbox with a circle a on it is displayed. A circle a made from flowers. Above it, a text reads 'Freedom in Anarchy'. A plane dropping down fruit and vegetables. Below, a text reads 'food not bombs'. A mix of a heart, the trans symbol and a circle a. There is a rainbow flag at the top and a trans flag at the bottom. The text reads 'No pride in police. No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us'. Two interlocking hands. Above them, a text reads 'Punk is support', below 'Not competition'. A rainbow that says 'Rainbow capitalism'. Under it a text reads 'We value your rights*: Up to 1 month. In select countries. *To: buy our stuff.' A black cat on a bookshelf. There is a sun with a circle a inside in the background.