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Highlights of liberal nationalisms
Suddenly they are everywhere: Posters for the European elections! So it’s time to shine a light on some common kinds of middle-class / liberal nationalism – who knows, maybe you’ll even find one you especially like!
1. Euronationalism:
This is the perfect type of nationalism for all those who are sad that they are only allowed to wave their German flags during the World Cup! Germany above all can’t really be justified anymore, but Europe above all is really en vogue!
Those who feel too dignified to wave their German flags should just wave the European one instead, just like Die Grünen (German “green” party) demonstrate. And don’t forget to conjure up the mutual European values and position yourself against the barbarism of the “east“.
Another advantage is that you can easily justify war with the words “Protect peace“ now:

2. Replacement nationalism:
If you aren’t allowed to be proud of your own country, you have to choose another one to be proud of. How about Israel? Germans have perpetrated horrible crimes against Jewish people after all. That’s why everything a state that claims to act in the interest of Jewish people does, has to be supported without any reservation. Maybe while feeling a little bad about it when a few civilians too many get mowed down.
I would have loved to add a poster of the AFD (Biggest fascist party in Germany) where they speak out against „imported antisemitism“, but sadly I couldn’t find it again. Not that they are the only party that acts as if all and only people that weren’t born in Germany have an antisemitic mindset, but to my knowledge they are the only one that has written it on a poster this openly.
So Germany keeps providing massive amounts of weapons to Israel while fighting against antisemitism in the inland by punishing any demonstration that risks criticizing Israel with harsh constraints if not outright prohibiting it. In the heated atmosphere, antisemitic slogans might be uttered after all. Of course they could and not all pro-Palestinian protests or ones that are critical of Israel have an emancipatory approach, but what good does restricting free speech and the right to protest do Jewish people that are rightfully scared because some people spray-paint Stars of David onto their doors?
Germany just wants to polish its image as usual and portray itself as refined after WW2 without actually putting in an effort. And while some groups act as if they are against the German state, they just swallow and regurgitate its propaganda.
3. Last, but not least – „Location for business“ nationalism:
(Translator’s note: Standort = location for business is a commonly used term by German politicians and union leaders)
This is the favorite type of nationalism of DGB functionaries (DGB is a big alliance of German unions). “We all have to tighten our belts now“ is just not as snappy as “We have to tighten our belts now for Germany as location for business.“
Making compromises for Germany as a location for business usually means two things: Firstly, the well-being of “Germany“ is placed above the one of other countries, an internationalist perspective is prevented right from the get-go. It’s not about creating a good life for all, but at the most for those who live and work in Germany.
Secondly, the competitive position of Germany has to be protected at any cost, which means that you can’t demand too much from employers.
(Translator’s note: In German, employers are called Arbeitgeber:innen, literally translating to work-givers. They are called „so called work-givers“ in the German version of this text to show that they are not actually giving the work, they are profiting off it.)
Companies could decide to outsource their location after all and then a five percent raise won’t do any good anyway. That’s why it’s better to only demand three percent from the start.
The German togetherness is conjured up to keep workers from revolting and demanding what we deserve. Instead we should walk a mile in the shoes of our employers and not get too greedy!
Of course this also means that we have to fight for the preservation of German companies, no matter how shit they are. Because the second-worst thing that can happen to a German worker is working for a foreign company. Not to talk of the worst thing, becoming unemployed.
But of course this friendly kind of nationalism doesn’t exclude refugees and migrants – as long as they are the needed skilled employees, because they don’t have inherent worth as human beings.

All jokes aside: Nationalism doesn’t always look like the clearly fascist politicians that talk about deporting masses of people. It can also like the clearly social democratic politicians that actually do that. No, but for real: Just because one is against racism and has a vaguely leftist image of themselves that doesn’t mean one has completely understood – yet alone fought - ones internalized nationalisms.
This is a collection of shorter works of authors that influenced me in any way - sometimes inspiring, sometimes entertaining. Some summarized things precisely, others have shared a new point of view on then. Almost never would I support their claims fully. I won't translate the works I quoted on the german version of the page, but will instead collect english works on here.